Cooking Journal


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Veggie Quiche

Post date: 08 Apr 2017

Made a veggie quiche for breakfast with Tom and Katherine.

Night before we cooked down the spring onion (from Eatwell) and the spinach and the kale. To cook down the spring onion, we chopped it finely and sauteed it in a lot of butter until brown and the water was evaporated. For the spinach and kale, we rinsed the greens and then without drying the leaves, stuffed them in a pot and put the pot on a hot burner. The greens will cook in their own liquid until they can produce no more. I accidentally was not very attentive to the kale boiling down and it burnt quite a bit on the bottom–this actually produced a delicious kale chip style flavor to the quiche.

The next day we stirred the vegetables into the egg and milk mixture and poured it into two pie crusts that Kelliott had picked up from Safeway. I originally thought that two quiches would be one quiche too many, but it turned out to work out great.
